Friday, July 9, 2010
Other things happening.... This coming week there's a big festival that lasts for three days. One of those days is a fireworks festival where everyone wears a yukata and goes with their boyfriend/girlfriend..Since I last posted there's been a large amount of drama with these two boys from my school so we'll see what happens :P
I'll take pictures later! 2 days ago tons of decorations were put up near my house soo...
In the past month I have had so many extreme highs and lows but even in the most terrible low it's almost been enjoyable just because it's so different from home...
I'll post more laterr..
Koukou Soutai
Now, for about 2 weeks before all of this happened, everyday origami paper was handed out to every single student and we literally folded paper cranes all through school. I kid you not, I laugh to think how typical that sounds but boys and girls alike folded paper cranes constantly, only stopping to take a quick note during class. I later found out that we were making them because they were to later be strung together into this huge charm...each team was presented one at the pep rally and they were brought along to the tournaments. This is the kyudou one:
It was pretty cool watching floods of high school students in kyudou uniforms walking down the busy street carrying bows, tatami mats, and straw butts used for targets.
This is where we sat all day long with all the other high schools... The shooting area was right outside so anyone who wasn't doing a job or shooting just sat around in here....
....and played cards (toranpu)
Me kyudou friends :3
These are the boys from my school shooting...The last one in was the captain (after Soutai is over all of the 3rd years have to retire from the's really sad without them.)
A concussion waiting to happen
The workers climb up to the very top with baskets of the stuff.They just throw them up in the air and everyone on the ground scrambles around trying to get as many as possible. My host brother was somewhere in the crowd and we ended up getting a huge bag of mochi which we ate as snacks for a few weeks after.
It's gotta be one of the best parts of being a construction worker because all of the workers have huge smiles on their faces in the pictures.
Here is one of the HUGE doesn't look so big but it was and if I recall everyone ran for cover except a middle aged guy who caught it like a sack of flour....a sack of flour from the sky that is...for those of you who don't know what that looks like he pretty much started to fall backwards because of the weight of the thing and almost tripped over the person behind him.